Multi-Tasking CNC Machine Centers
Snyder Industries’ multi-tasking centers include two (2) Mazak Integrex E-1060’s, six (6) Toshiba TUE-150S’s, two (2) Hyundai-Kia SKT300M’s, one (1) OM NeoAlpha 10, and two (2) Samsung SL-6500AM5/1000 machines. Some of Snyder’s multi-tasking centers are featured below.
Mazak Integrex E-1060
The Mazak 5-axis system has rotary tables and tilting spindles capable of turning, milling, boring and drilling large diameter work pieces with a single setup, offering a true “done-in-one” machining process. Each E-1060 machine features a robot and shares a 24-station, two-level pallet system with enhanced loading and unloading capabilities.
The Paletech pallet-loading system serves the machining center with parts that have been pre-loaded, programmed, queued and prioritized. The Mazak system automatically unloads the finished part and loads the new part in seconds.
Each Mazak has a 120 Cat-50 capacity tool carousel and automatic tool changers preloaded for different jobs or to provide backup tools as needed.

The entire operation is overseen at the E-Tower command station which gives the operator complete control and constant reports on the machining progress. The system can also be accessed and monitored off-site if necessary.
In addition, these Mazak units are equipped with support systems that enable hours of continuous uninterrupted operation.
Toshiba TUE-150S
Snyder Industries has two (2) additional TUE-150 machines to increase capacity. Currently, six (6) machines are used to turn and mill components for our largest customers.
These machines are capable of adding features to parts as large as 79” in diameter, 61” in length, and weighing as much as 17,600 lbs.
S-Type has a live spindle that performs drilling, tapping, and boring operations.